Interest Groups

WARD Temple Day

Third Friday each month. Can go any time during the day.

Lunch Bunch

First THURSDAY in month, meet at 12:15 pm.
Group Leader- Kathy Jenson 522-7347

We will NOT meet in July or August.

Book Club
Group Leader- Marilyn Scoresby 529-9663
Group meets @ 7:00pm the fourth Wed. each month. You don’t have to have read the book of the month to come to book club. Just come enjoy the companionship of other sisters in the ward or come share the books you enjoy; verbal reports or in a lending library at book club.

September book: Divergence by Veronica Roth 

Marilyn Scoresby’s home 425 Montcliff Dr. 

October Book: Visions of Glory by John Pontious 

Kathy Jenson’s home  1711 9th St. 


Contact group leader:   IN NEED OF NEW LEADER  please contact member of presidency if interested.


Group leader - Julie Cooper   206-9619

*If you don't find a group that suits you, feel free to contact a member of the presidency  with any ideas you may have for other groups.