Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Just kidding - did anyone even notice!?!

So I mistakenly gave you false information, I apologize!

Night time RS meetings will now be held on the 2ND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH (not the 3rd as previously noted).

Next meeting to be held on Feb. 13 at 6:30pm and we will be discussing 'WILLS". 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Change is always good, right!  (well, most of the time!) but this change involves our weeknight RS meeting.  Instead of meeting on the 3rd Thursday of each month, the decision has been made to move the meetings to the 3RD WEDNESDAY of each month.  Make sure you note this in your mind and on your calendars! 

In 2013 the RS is in charge of the Ward Campout (July or August) and the Ward Christmas Party.  The RS presidency has asked all of us to consider being in charge of, or on a committee to plan, coordinate and execute both of these events. (you don't have to sign up for both!)  In a month or so they will be sending around sign up sheets, in the meantime think about getting involved!

Don't forget to check out the interest groups!  We have a new one!!  Do you know what it is??