Sunday, October 14, 2012


Parkwood Ward Super Saturday
"Bringing Christ into Our Homes"
Budgeting, Meals in a Jar, Crafts (see below),
Humanitarian Project (quilt)
Lunch served
Special Guest Speaker
Saturday, Nov. 3, 2012
Parkwood Ward Building
Pumpkins made from canning jar rings

 Pumpkins made from a paperback books


Paperplate Angels

check back often to learn more (costs, special guest speaker, etc)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


What is your favorite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon?

my answer would be:  NAP!! (I think I mentioned that I LOVE to sleep! LOL)

Anyone out there?????

So, I hope that some of you are checking this blog and finding it helpful!  I feel like maybe I am alone out here in cyberspace!  The only voice I hear is mine, echoing! 

Just a couple of quick reminders.  
Be sure to check out the interest groups and see if there is one to fit your needs.  It's a great way to get to know each other!

Don't forget our monthly Relief Society Night Meeting - 3rd Thursday of each month (unless otherwise noted).  June's meeting will be centered around EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS. 

If you have any questions, be sure to post them on here so we can pull from the wisdom of others!  Maybe you have a picky eater and want some ideas on how to entice them into eating something besides mac and cheese!  I can guarantee someone in this ward has gone thru that experience!  I know I have!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

INDEXING ~ What's Your Number??
Have you got the bug yet?  I have!  I'm not talking about the most recent illness either!  I'm talking about INDEXING!  Fun and Interesting!! 

Easy to follow instructions! 
Written and Video Tutorials

Create an account, using your membership number.  Download the program needed and you are off!

Try it!  I bet you'll like it!

After you catch the bug, let us know how you are doing!  (do we need to bring in meals because dinner hasn't been made for 3 days because of the 'BUG" you caught!)

My number so far is 293!  What's yours?